Annual Registration Fee Breakdown

The MDA is the regulating body of the MDAA. All licensing renewal or initial application for license is done solely through the MDA at

Full information regarding the licensing process can be found here:

Registration – Application fee $ 50.00

Certification – Initial Application
 For registrant in the registered dental assistant class before 1st of September in the year of application $ 260.00
 For registrant in the registered dental assistant class after 1st of September in the year of application $ 130.00
 For registrant in the provisional dental assistant class $ 130.00
 For registrant in the student class $ 0.00 Certification – Annual Renewal (single payment on or before 30th April in the year of renewal)
 For registered dental assistant class $ 260.00
 For members renewing in the non-practising class $ 50.00

Certification – Annual Renewal Two Payment Option
 Members in the registered dental assistant class may pay renewal fees on the following terms:
 30th April of year of renewal $ 140.00
 15th September of year of renewal $ 140.00
$ 280.00 (total)

30-day conditional certificate for Registered Dental Assistants needing to fulfill their continuing education requirement at the time of certificate renewal $ 75.00

Late Fees – Annual Renewal
 For all registered dental assistants, a fee of $2.50 for every day after the 30th of April in the year of renewal that your annual renewal fees have not been received by the MDA at 1735 Corydon office to a maximum of $75.00.

* Please note if you have already made a payment and would like it voided, the MDA will be able to do that ONLY if your payment has not been processed through the bank.